MLT job filled in Alabama

Congratulations, Katherine Maran0! She placed a Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) in Alabama. Great work! At K.A. Recruiting we help our clients fill their clinical healthcare jobs, such as imaging, laboratory, respiratory, NP/PA’s, nurses, Physicians, social workers, etc. We help out candidates to find their perfect job by listening carefully to their background, needs/desires, and anything […]

Madison Aubrey Promoted to Healthcare Recruiter!

Congratulations to Madison Aubrey on her promotion to Healthcare Recruiter at K.A. Recruiting!! Thank you Madison for working hard every day, constantly evaluating your weeks and making changes, and for consistently improving since your start! If you are interested in working as a recruiter at KA Recruiting, please contact us here or apply to our […]

Neonatal Physician Assistant job filled in Boston

Congratulations, Chelsey Opalenik! She filled a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant job in Boston, Massachusetts! Great job!     At K.A. Recruiting we help our clients fill their clinical healthcare jobs, such as imaging, laboratory, respiratory, NP/PA’s, nurses, Physicians, social workers, etc. We help out candidates to find their perfect job by listening carefully […]